Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

OUTLINE Job in The Sekar Arum Restaurant of Agas Hotel Solo

OUTLINE Job in The Sekar Arum Restaurant of Agas Hotel Solo

Title :
Waiter/Waitress Section Job in The Sekar Arum Restaurant of Agas Hotel Solo

A. Background
Indonesia is a country that’s the most income derived from tourism sector. The tourism product can be considered as comprising four major elements. They are: accessibility, attraction, amenity, and activity. One of these major elements is amenity, which includes accommodation, retail service, communication, information centre, and catering. Hotel business is one of the important elements to support the tourism sector in Indonesia. There are some Departments in Hotel, they are: Front Office Department, food and Beverage Department, House keeping Department, Engineering Department, Marketing Department, and Accounting Department.
Hotel’s products can be divided into two types. They are: Tangible Product and Intangible Product. Tangible Products is all products that the guests can see directly and should pay to get them, such as room, food and beverage, and others. Intangible Products is all products that cannot be seen directly by the guests but can felt while paying for Tangible Products. The examples of the Intangible Products are good service, pleasure, and satisfaction. Sekar Arum Restaurant provides that products. It is an International restaurant and should provides that products. So Sekar Arum Restaurant is pay attention for products and services system for the guest because basically hotel and restaurant reputation depends on guest satisfaction.
Because of the growing number of tourists who visit in Indonesia. It caused many hotels grow up in Indonesia, especially in Surakarta. There are many hotels here. To handle the competition that is not fair, the hotel’s management has to prepare the anticipation with many ways, for examples incited the promotion, gives special price for each product, or makes a special package.
July-August is the peak season because the children or the family of the tourist are free from school. So the foreign tourists and the local tourists can spend their holiday with their family. And they will serve well by the staff so they will be satisfied.
To know the job description of waiter/waitress, the writer is interested to have the job training in Sekar Arum Restaurant of Agas Hotel Solo. The reason why the writer interested is because the writer wants to improve her skills in handling guest, especially foreign guest.
This is the report of the writer’s experience of doing the job training in Sekar Arum Restaurant of Agas Hotel Solo. The discussion is focused on the job description of waiter/waitress in Sekar Arum Restaurant, and the final product is en titled “Waiter/Waitress Section Job In The Sekar Arum Restaurant of Agas Hotel Solo”.

B. Objectives
The objectives of this report are:
1) To describe the job description of Waiter/Waitress in Sekar Arum Restaurant.
2) To describe the problem faced by Food and Beverage Department, and
3) To describe the kinds of services in Restaurant.

C. Benefits
The writer hopes that this report will be beneficial for the following sides:
1) To Writer
The writer can study about hotelier more and also study how to be a good waitress.
2) To the Readers
The readers can used this report as a reference. The readers will know about the job description of Waiter/Waitress in Sekar Arum Restaurant, the problem faced by Food and Beverage Department, and the kinds of services in Restaurant.
3) To the Hotel
This report can help the hotel to know the flows in the hotel and it can develop the quality of the hotel’s services.


Title:Waiter/Waitress Section Job in The Sekar Arum Restaurant of Agas Hotel Solo
By: Akhirul Khotimah/C9304004
A. Background
B. Objectives
C. Benefits
A. Definition of Hotel
B. Restaurant
C. Waiter/Waitress
1. Definition of Waiter/Waitress,
2. Requirements of Waiter/Waitress,
3. Negative attitudes that must be avoided by the Waiter/Waitress.
A. Agas Hotel Solo
1. Short History of Agas Hotel Solo,
2. Facilities which is Provided by Agas Hotel Solo,
3. The Organization chart of Food and Beverage Department in Agas Hotel Solo.
B. Discussion
1. The Job Descriptions of Waiter/Waitress in Sekar Arum Restaurant,
2. The Problem faced by Waiter/Waitress in Sekar Arum Restaurant,
3. The Kinds of Services in Restaurant.
A. Conclusion
B. Suggestion


A. Definition of Hotel
The general definition of hotel is an integral part of tourism industry and is defined as a commercial accommodation that provides guest rooms, food and beverages and other facilities.
Sulastiyono in his book “Manajemen penyelenggaraan Hotel” states:
“Hotel is an accommodation that uses partial or entire building to provide in service, food and beverages, and other supporting service for public that is commercially organized”. (Sulastiyono, 1996:6)
According to “United States Lodging Industry”, Hotel is divided into four types:
1. Transient Hotel
“A Hotel that is located in the central of city, and most of the guests stay for business matter and holiday”.
2. Residential Hotel
“A hotel that the type is like an apartment with many of rooms, and rented for monthly and yearly”. It also provides easiness like a hotel, such as: restaurant, room service, and House Keeping.
3. Resort Hotel
“A Hotel located in a tourism resort and provides the places for recreation, rooms, and conference facility for the guest”.
Ir. Endar Sugiarti and Sri Sulartiningrum in their book “Pengantar Akomodasi dan Restaurant” state:
“Hotel is a place for someone who stays not for long time. The styles of this accommodation are Losmen, guesthouse, cottage, inn, camp, etc. (Ir. Endar Sugiarti and Sri Sulartiningrum, 1996:4)
Hotel has the most important and complete facilities among the tourist accommodation. For tourist, hotel is “a home away from home “. In the hotel a tourist takes shower, sleeps, takes a rest safely, does business activities, and goes back after traveling or doing a job.
Based on the definition above, the writer concludes that a hotel is a kind of accommodation that provides inn service, food and beverages, and other services for the public to get profit.

B. Restaurant
The general definition of restaurant is an area that provides the food and beverages service for the guest and managed commercially to get profit.
The definition of Restaurant according to “ Prof. Vonco Christian ” is as follows:
“ Restaurant is one place that is managed by commercial purpose on the service consist of food and drink to the guest “. (Christian 1989: 29 as cited from W. A Marsum. 1999:9)
The Restaurant can be classified into three types, they are:

1. Formal Restaurant
Formal restaurant is the food and beverages service industry that is managed commercially and professionally with the exclusive service.
a. Characteristic of Formal Restaurant
1) The reception of guests is by making reservation first,
2) The guests wearing the formal clothes,
3) Opened for lunch and dinner,
4) It provides the live music and dancing floor,
5) The price of food and beverages is more expensive than the price at informal Restaurant.
b. Example of Formal Restaurant
1) Members Restaurant
2) Super club
3) Main dining room
4) Executive Restaurant
5) Grilled Restaurant
2. Informal Restaurant
Informal Restaurant is the food and beverage service industry that is managed commercially and professionally by giving priority to the fast serving, practicality, and acceleration of the customer’s frequency
a. Characteristic of Informal Restaurant
1) The price of food and beverages is relatively cheap
2) The reception of guest is without reservation
3) The guest should not wear the formal clothes
4) It does not provide the live music.
b. Example of Informal Restaurant
1) Café
2) Canteen
3) Pub
4) Fast food Restaurant
5) Coffee shop
3. Specialties Restaurant
Specialties Restaurant is the food and beverage service industry that is managed commercially and professionally by providing the special food and it is followed by special serving from certain country.
a. Characteristic of specialties Restaurant
1) Providing the reservation
2) Providing the special food from certain country
3) Opened for lunch and dinner
4) Providing the music or entertainment from the origin country
b. Example of Specialties Restaurant
1) Indonesian food Restaurant
2) Thai food Restaurant
3) Japanese food Restaurant
4) Chinese food Restaurant
5) Italian food Restaurant
C. Waiter/Waitress
1. Definition of Waiter /Waitress
Waiter /Waitress section has important roles in food and beverage Department. A Waiter /Waitress has duties and responsibility to serve directly the food and beverages necessity which is ordered by the guests professionally. They have an important role to give the best service and satisfaction to the guest. If the guest feels satisfied with the services given by the Waiter /Waitress, they will be happy and do not be regret to pay expensive for the services.
2. Requirements of Waiter /Waitress
There are several requirements that must be fulfilled by a professional Waiter /Waitress in order to do their job. The requirements are:
a. Physical requirement
1) Have a normal sense of hearing
2) Well taken care of teeth and nails
3) Have a good looking performance
4) Free from the physical defects
5) Always fasten the attributes such as dark shoes, name tag, etc
6) Dressed neatly
b. Non-physical requirement
1) Honest
2) Confident
3) Friendly
4) Creative
5) Reliable
6) Have a wide perspective
7) Hard worker
8) Have a good capability
9) Have a sense of humor
10) Patient, etc
3. Negative attitudes that must be avoided by the Waiter/Waitress
a. Forgetting to say “Thank you” to the guest
b. Neglecting their duties
c. Talking to the guest while they are eating
d. Ignoring the guest
e. Bringing the service cloth in the sack
f. Making the menu list dirty
g. Wearing the high heels shoes
h. Smoking in the Restaurant area
I. Eating in the Restaurant area
j. Drinking in the Restaurant area
k. Sleeping at the working hours
L. Doing the bad behavior


A. Conclusion
This chapter will describe the conclusion from the whole previous chapter especially the data derived from the chapter III. The data concluded here are basically taken from the observation in Sekar Arum Restaurant at Agas Hotel Solo. In this last chapter, the writer can make conclusion about the job description of Waiter/Waitress in Sekar Arum Restaurant, the problems faced by Waiter/Waitress in Sekar Arum Rstaurant, and the kinds of services in sekar Arum Restaurant. The conclusions are:
1. The job description of Waiter/Waitress in Sekar Arum Restaurant
Basically the waiter/waitress working in the restaurant have their own job responsibility based on their working shift in which they belong to certain shifts. The waiter/waitress jobs are divided into three parts that include the pre-opening, during operation time, and after operation.
2. The problems faced by waiter/waitress in Sekar Arum Restaurant.
There are several problems that they are faced, such as: the limited equipment, lack of skills, the limited staffs, and the guest’s complaint. There are some strategies to be done by the waiter/waitress in Sekar arum Restaurant of Agas Hotel Solo to handle their problems. They include; asking the hotel’s management to add more complete equipments, making innovation, taking the part-timer to make the earlier preparation, smiling in front of the guest, and giving the logical explanation and the better solution to the guest.
3. The kinds of services in Sekar Arum Restaurant
There are three kinds of services in Sekar Arum Restaurant that are:
a. Formal Service
It consists of Russian Service and French Service.
b. Non Formal Service
It consists of English service and American Service.
c. Buffet Service
A service with the foods and beverages had prepared in a table similar the plate and all of the food equipment.

B. Suggestion
Finally the writer proposes some suggestions after the conclusion has been drawn. The writer would like to give some suggestions to the following sides:
1. To the waiter/waitress in Sekar Arum restaurant
The waiter/waitress should add their ability and knowledge about their field of work. On the other hand, the waiter/waitress must be creative try the new things.
2. To the Agas Hotel Solo
The Hotel’s management must give the additional training to all of the hotel’s staffs in order to improve their ability including the waiter/waitress and also add more complete equipment.

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